Coaching Misconception #4

I can't hire a coach - it is too expensive / too time-consuming / too vulnerable.

Perhaps 10 years ago coaching was limited to athletes and executives. Today, coaching is much more accessible. Just a few examples of what you can find: entrepreneurship coaches, life coaches, business coaches, health and wellness coaches, coaches for coaches - and of course, growth and performance coaches. The core principles are the same; what changes are topics and background. Services also vary greatly in price, duration, frequency, etc.

🚗, 🏎, or ⛵️Picking a coach is like looking for a car - they all get you from point A to B, but you don't pay for a Porsche if you need a Camry; and you definitely don't get a car, when you need a boat. Slight detour - in this metaphor, therapists are repair shops and consultants are the GPS.

📱The question then becomes - how do you find the right coach? A few places to look:

  1. Your existing network - chances are you already know 2-3 coaches

  2. HR - if your company doesn't already have a vendor, the HR team most likely has relevant connections

  3. Google - a simple search will get you many suggestions - try a complimentary session or five. if not a good fit they will usually be happy to send you to someone who may be


Coaching Misconception #5


Coaching Misconception #3