Move away work-life balance, enter work-life integration

In the past 10 years or so, the term work-life balance has been a buzzword in the corporate world. Demanded by employees, assigned as a responsibility to managers, and perceived as unattainable by leadership. However, as quickly as the topic became everyday talk, the pushback that there's no such thing as balance started spreading.

❓Why is work-life balance important?

Without it, people lose perspective (if only work) or are perceived as underperforming (if only personal life). A balance allows for to decrease stress as there is always something else that works and also it leads to the feeling of fulfillment - you work to live.

❓Why is work-life balance not working?

It seems to set an unattainable standard for everyone involved. Employees feel guilty for asking, managers feel like they can't plan and do the work they used to do before. The whole concept also creates the sense of Either / Or - there is always something being sacrificed. End of the day, WLB has become yet another thing to chase.

❓What is work-life integration?

While work-life balance focuses primarily on limited resources like time, which causes the either / or aspect, integration focuses on what specifically is not working in a more holistic way. Some examples of areas that may need integration include feeling of connection, self expression, fun / enjoyment, time, recognition, etc. It is unique to every person, which is why a generic solution misses the mark. Once you have identified the area for you, then integration becomes a question of getting needs met throughout the day vs. in some predetermined by your work schedule pockets.

🗓 Where to start the process?

1️⃣ Notice what is out of sorts for you - what are you sacrificing, what is not enough?
2️⃣ Understand what good looks like - what do you need around it?
3️⃣ Be intentional in creating it in your day-to-day life


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